Noticias Thomas Wellness Group©

The Secrets of Longevity of Blue Zones Centenarians

Written by Thomas Wellness Group© | May 8, 2024 3:06:53 PM

Who has never dreamed of living a long and healthy life, even reaching 100 years of age with vitality and well-being? Although it may seem a distant dream, the reality is that in some parts of the world this scenario is more than a possibility, it is a way of life rooted in the culture and environment. These areas, known as "Blue Zones", are true oases of longevity where people not only live longer, but also do so in remarkable health.

Blue Zones

The term "Blue Zones" was coined by researchers Gianni Pes and Michel Poulain, who used a blue pen to mark on a map the areas with the highest concentration of centenarians . Since then, the concept has been widely studied and popularized by Dan Buettner, a researcher at the National Geographic Society, who identified five emblematic regions:

  1. Ogliastra in Sardinia.
  2. Icaria in Greece.
  3. Okinawa in Japan.
  4. Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica.
  5. The Adventist community of Loma Linda in California.

What makes the populations of these areas live longer?

The answer is not simple, as it involves a unique combination of genetic factors, lifestyle and environment. These communities are often characterized by a healthy diet rich in fresh, natural foods, regular physical activity and a deep sense of social connection and spirituality.

How to maintain a balance between body and mind?

In contrast to the busy, consumerist lives of many Western societies, where stress and anxiety are common companions, in Blue Zones, simplicity and connection to nature are appreciated. Here, people find a space to balance mind and body, escaping the daily frenzy and cultivating greater self-awareness through practices such as meditation and mindfulness.

It is precisely at this point that one of the main keys to longevity in Blue Zones lies: holistic health care, both physical and mental.

Recognizing the importance of this holistic approach, companies such as Starpool have developed "Brain Training" programs in collaboration with neuroscience experts. These programs combine relaxation, concentration and meditation techniques to help people manage stress and promote complete wellness.

What did we learn?

The lesson we can draw from the Blue Zones centenarians is clear: a long and healthy life does not depend solely on genetics, but also on adopting a mindful and balanced lifestyle. Prioritizing physical and mental health, nurturing strong social relationships and connecting with nature are practices that can make a difference in our quality of life and longevity. Ultimately, the key to reaching 100 years with vitality lies in living each day with purpose, gratitude and harmony with our environment.