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Zerobody Cryo

Zerobody Cryo is the Starpool revolution for the world of cold therapy : innovative for its simplicity, safety, and accessibility, it features a patented water membrane that completely envelops the body without getting wet, operating at a temperature of 4-6°C in a safe and non-invasive environment.

Access facilitates access to Cold Therapy , providing the same benefits as traditional cryotherapy or immersion in ice water. Zerobody Cryo ensures a gradual exposure to the cold, offering users the total comfort of dry floating.
Design: Cristiano Miño

Cold Therapy

Zerobody Cryo refreshes the skin, stimulating the immune and metabolic systems .

This induces a general sense of well-being and specific physical and mental benefits:

  • relief from muscular and joint pain;
  • reduced stress levels;
  • strengthening of the immune system;
  • promotion of rapid and effective muscle recovery;
  • skin rejuvenation.
That’s why it is widely used in the sectors of beauty , sports and medicine.
Simple and safe
When Zerobody Cryo is installed and connected to the power supply , the provided cooling system reduces the operating water temperature to 4-6 °C. Once it has reached the appropriate temperature, it will be ready for use. Zerobody Cryo is characterized by low energy consumption , making it very efficient in terms of sustainability.
Programas de entrenamiento cerebral

El software Zerobody Dry Float pro incluye nuestros programas Brain Training , desarrollados en colaboración con socios de renombre en los campos del deporte y la ciencia. Podrás combinar el poder regenerador de la Terapia de Flotación Seca a los beneficios del entrenamiento mental para favorecer la mejora cognitiva y el bienestar psicofísico.


  • 5 audioguías Programas de Mindfulness ;
  • 5 Técnicas de Respiración guiadas ;
  • 5 pistas de música relajante .
Pantalla táctil

Gracias a la práctica pantalla táctil, podrás seleccionar la duración de la sesión e iniciarla . A continuación, se baja la plataforma eléctrica, lo que permite al usuario experimentar el máximo confort, gracias a la configuración de flotación en seco. La pantalla táctil también te permite detener la sesión de forma autónoma cuando quieras.

Simple and safe
When Zerobody Cryo is installed and connected to the power supply , the provided cooling system reduces the operating water temperature to 4-6 °C. Once it has reached the appropriate temperature, it will be ready for use. Zerobody Cryo is characterized by low energy consumption , making it very efficient in terms of sustainability.
Patented membrane

Zerobody Cryo offers the same benefits as cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen and immersion in cold water, thanks to its double-flap membrane, each equipped with a water circulation tube, ensuring the proper heat transfer and immersion coefficient. This allows users to take advantage of the benefits that cold therapy offers, with even greater versatility due to its dry application , while significantly reducing overall risks.

Technical specifications

In this section, you can learn more details about the product, view the coverings, and download the available technical documentation.

Data sheet


232L X 112P X 74H

257L X 112D X 74H - XL Version


230 VCA 1P+N+PE

Maximum consumption (kW)

2000W / 8.69A (CE)

Frequency (Hz)

50/60 (CE)


Stainless steel tank covered with soft padding.

Maximum load

130 kg

Net weight

200 Kg

230 Kg - XL Version

Operational weight

600 Kg (CE)

690 Kg - XL Version (CE)

Water capacity

400 lt (CE)

460 lt - XL Version (CE)


Adjustable water temperature

Water heating time

2 °C/h approximately (CE)

Installation requirements

Electrical supply with ground connection




66004 + 66174 Azul



68035 + 68116 Green



68024 + 68093 Lime



 66057 + 66113 Petrol



 64089 + 64084 Red




 2505 - Beige




1495 - Dark Green



1620 - Dark Grey



1556 - Light Brown



1999 - Light Grey


Real Leather


2402 - Black


Real Leather

2404 - Terracotta Brown


Real Leather

2433 - Warm Grey


Real Leather

2434 - Caramel


Real Leather

2436 - Olive Green


Sky Eco-Leather

D18 - Creamy White


Sky Eco-Leather

B99 - Black


Sky Eco-Leather

CD5 - Green Apple


Sky Eco-Leather

BE4 - Smoke Grey


Sky Eco-Leather

F84 - Chocolate Brown


Sky Eco-Leather

FD5 - Dove Grey


Sky Eco-Leather

GB5 - Azure


Sky Eco-Leather

G78 - Dark Blue


Sky Eco-Leather

HA4 - Navy Blue


Sky Eco-Leather

EZ5 - Forest Green


Vintage Eco-Leather

09 - Dark Brown


Vintage Eco-Leather

03 - Nut Brown


Vintage Eco-Leather

05 - Olive


Vintage Eco-Leather

01 - Sandy


Vintage Eco-Leather

04 - Umber




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